KAWABUCHI Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Inc. |
Our company was registered on July 7,2006, being prepared for taking off and running now.
The main object of our business is to provide order-made experimental equipments, machines and robots for universities and laboratories.
Many of the Japanese engineers have excellent ability and technique to create, design and manufacture complicated machines, thanks to their exquisite sensibility, awareness of details and dexterity of the hand.
So, I have been dreamed of gathering these human resources; craftsmanship to promote design power to create tomorrow machines, and then starting to build a foundation where they can concentrate their hard works.
I hope our company would help your study and development, and hopefully you could help us by doing business together.
President and Designer
Some of Dr. Kawabuchi's works (Sorry, some of the documents are written
in Japanese) |
(1) Doctor thesis (1999)
-> 博士論文[対地適応機能を有する脚機構の研究 川渕一郎](1999).pdf
(2) Work as a post-doctor researcher (2001-2003)
-> 外骨格機構用の回転関節機構の研究開発.pdf
-> Demo Video 04 (連続記録continuous record).mpeg
(3) My life work; Robot hand [Universal Hand] (2001-)
-> Proceedings ヒューマン情報処理学会 「手」研究会(2005_10_20).pdf
-> Continuous Janken operation連続ジャンケン運転(Junior Science Academy 2004).AVI
-> (Demonstration Video) Card Handling.mpg
-> (Demonstration Video) Pen Handling.mpg
-> Demonstration 1.mpg
-> Demonstration 2.mpg
(4) My life work; Pneumatic robot arm [Universal Pneumatic Arm] (2001-)
-> Universal Pneumatic Arm 04.pdf
(5) The largest work; 3D surrounding display and camera [Twister] (2002-)
-> Catalog 全周型立体表示装置 3D surrounding display and camera TWISTER V.pdf
-> iTokyo展示display.jpg
(6) My works in TechExperts,Inc. (1997-2006)
I joined TechExperts,Inc. in 1997 and started to build up my own business style and basis for this company.
(7) My latest paper published in “Humanoid Robotics New Developments“ by Advanced Robotic
Systems International in June 2007 --- Kawabuchi, "A Designing of
Humanoid Robot Hands in Endoskeleton and Exoskeleton Styles", 2007 -> IK-ARSI200706paper.pdf
-> UniversalHumanoidArm01.pdf
(9) 新価値創造展2014 (2014/11/19-21) [New Value Creation Exhibition 2014]
-> 生活支援用 直動伸縮ロボットアーム 2014 (pdf)
-> WorkExamples(KAWABUCHI-LAB2012)s (pdf)
-> 直動伸縮機構を有するロボットアーム 特許論文用基礎資料, 2008_11_01 (pdf)
Name : KAWABUCHI Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Inc.
Address : 4-6-15-506 Ohmoriminami, Ohta-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Inquiry : 
会 社 名 |
株式会社川渕機械技術研究所 |
所 在 地 |
東京都大田区大森南4丁目6番15号 テクノFRONT森ヶ崎 506号室 |
代 表 者 |
川渕一郎 |
事業内容 |
その他研究開発にかかわる業務の受託 |
連 絡 先 |